Prophylactic antibiotic administration for post cardiothoracic surgery sternal wounds: a retrospective study

Ann Transl Med. 2015 Mar;3(4):56. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2305-5839.2015.03.22.


Background: Cardiothoracic surgery sternal infections are difficult to treat situations. Until now there are no clear guidelines which or if an antibiotic could be used as prophylactic treatment.

Patients and methods: We collected retrospectively data from 535 patients from our hospital which underwent cardiothoracic surgery and recorded several biological parameters and technical aspects of the surgery.

Results: It was observed that patients to whom vancomycin was administered had less post surgery infection than those to whom begalin was administered. Male who were treated with vancomycin it was observed that they had 1.67 chances to be treated properly than female. Patients which were hospitalized for more than 7 days before surgery had 62.6% higher chances for post surgery infection.

Conclusions: It was observed that vancomycin can be used as a prophylactic treatment for cardiothoracic surgeries acting efficiently against sternal wounds.

Keywords: Vancomycin; infection; sultamicilin; surgery.