The ALBA spectroscopic LEEM-PEEM experimental station: layout and performance

J Synchrotron Radiat. 2015 May;22(3):745-52. doi: 10.1107/S1600577515003537. Epub 2015 Apr 9.


The spectroscopic LEEM-PEEM experimental station at the CIRCE helical undulator beamline, which started user operation at the ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility in 2012, is presented. This station, based on an Elmitec LEEM III microscope with electron imaging energy analyzer, permits surfaces to be imaged with chemical, structural and magnetic sensitivity down to a lateral spatial resolution better than 20 nm with X-ray excited photoelectrons and 10 nm in LEEM and UV-PEEM modes. Rotation around the surface normal and application of electric and (weak) magnetic fields are possible in the microscope chamber. In situ surface preparation capabilities include ion sputtering, high-temperature flashing, exposure to gases, and metal evaporation with quick evaporator exchange. Results from experiments in a variety of fields and imaging modes will be presented in order to illustrate the ALBA XPEEM capabilities.

Keywords: LEEM; PEEM; X-ray absorption; X-ray magnetic dichroism; photoemission; spectromicroscopy.