[Purpose] The aim of this study was to observe the relationships among heart rate, rate of perceived exertion, and oxygen consumption in stroke patients and the effectiveness of improving aerobic capacity during routine rehabilitation therapy. [Subjects and Methods] Thirty-six stroke patients participated in the study. A K4b(2) pulmonary function device was used to record heart rate (beats per minute), oxygen consumption (Equation Section (Next)ml·min(-1)·kg(-1)), and rate of perceived exertion. Results were recorded after completing the following activities continuously: (1) silent sitting, (2) sit-to-stand transfers, (3) hip extension while standing against a wall, (4) weight loading on the affected leg, (5) upward and downward leg movements on a stall bar, (6) walking up and down a flight of stairs, and (7) a 60-meter walk. Correlation analyses were performed to demonstrate the relationship of oxygen consumption with HR and RPE. [Results] Moderate correlation was found between HR and oxygen consumption, and low correlation was found between rate of perceived exertion and oxygen consumption. The routine rehabilitation therapy could reduce the accumulation of lactate. [Conclusion] HR is a better index than rate of perceived exertion in evaluating exercise intensity in stroke patients. The routine rehabilitation therapy can improve the aerobic capacity of stroke patients.
Keywords: Heart rate; Oxygen consumption; Stroke.