MR and CT features of neurocysticercosis are variable and depend fundametally on the stage in evolution of the infection, location, number and size of the worm. The authors retrospectively evaluated MR images obtained on a 2.0T superconducting unit in 22 neurocysticercosis patients and observed various MR features including some new findings. A variety of MR findings are presented with special reference to six case reports. The features include: (1) a large simple cyst containing both internal septations and a scolex; (2) suprasellar racemose cysts mimicking other cysts, (3) a fourth ventricular cyst readily depicted by aid of CSF flow-void in the sagittal plane; (4) degenerating cysts showing "white target" appearance; (5) granulomatous lesions having a "black target" appearance; and (6) a meningitic form showing Gd-DTPA enhancement of basal cisterns and of a subacute infarct.