ST segment depression and T waves inversion are electrocardiographic (ECG) repolarization abnormalities often encountered in clinical medical practice that have been proved to predict future cardiovascular events. We present the case of a 62-year-old male patient, asymptomatic, with ST segment depression and inverted T waves discovered incidentally on resting ECG. Echocardiographic and laboratory examinations ruled out multiple causes of ECG abnormalities. Suspecting a silent myocardial ischemia, an ECG exercise stress test was performed; it revealed pseudo normalization of T waves during exercise and early recovery phase. Being inconclusive, a coronary CT was the final election test; it showed normal coronary arteries with no stenosis, the patient being scheduled for regular follow-up. The possible causes of ST segment depression are reviewed since it is important that early cardiovascular signs especially in asymptomatic patients to be prevented and detected.