The localization, origin and fine structure of nerve terminals immunoreactive for calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) were examined in the vestibular end-organs of rats using immunocytochemistry. Many CGRP-like immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) fibers were observed in the vestibular sensory epithelial layer. By electronmicroscopy, CGRP-IR terminals were found to make synaptic contacts with the chalyces of the vestibular nerves terminating on type I cells. The origin of these vestibular CGRP-IR fibers was examined by a combination of a retrograde fiber tracing technique (using Fast blue) and immunocytochemistry. Injections of the tracer into the vestibular cistern, resulted in fast blue-labeled neurons bilaterally in the area dorsolateral to the genu of the facial nerve; these labeled neurons also contained CGRP. These findings indicate that CGRP-IR fibers originate bilaterally from the area dorsolateral to the genu of the facial nerve and that CGRP plays a modulatory role in the transmission of vestibular information from type I cells.