1 Nephrology Section , University Hospital , Ghent.
2 Département Médico-Chirurgical de Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation , Hôpital Erasme , Brussels , Belgium.
3 Servicio de Metabolismo Oseo y Mineral, Instituto Reina Sofia de Investigación, REDinREN-ISCIII , Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Universidad de Oviedo , Oviedo , Spain.
4 European Renal Association/European Dialysis and Transplantation Association.
5 Service de Pédiatrie, Centre De Référence Des Maladies Rénales Rares , Hospices Civils de Lyon et Université de Lyon , Lyon , France.
6 Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation , C. I. Parhon University Hospital, University of Medicine Gr. T. Popa , Iasi , Romania.
7 Department of Nephrology and Hypertension , University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , Nuremberg , Germany.
8 Département de Néphrologie , Hôpital Edouard-Herriot , Lyon , France.
9 Patient Representative, Manchester.
10 Department of Medicine and Therapeutics , University of Aberdeen , Scotland.
11 Department of Renal Medicine , Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust , Leeds , UK.
12 Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Renal Transplantation , 'A. Manzoni' Hospital , Lecco , Italy.