Summary: We present a pipeline named BIR (Blast, Identify and Realign) developed for phylogenomic analyses. BIR is intended for the identification of gene sequences applicable for phylogenomic inference. The pipeline allows users to apply their own manually curated sequence alignments (seed) in search for homologous genes in sequence databases and available genomes. BIR automatically adds the identified sequences from these databases to the seed alignments and reconstruct a phylogenetic tree from each. The BIR pipeline is an efficient tool for the identification of orthologous gene copies because it expands user-defined sequence alignments and conducts massive parallel phylogenetic reconstruction. The application is also particularly useful for large-scale sequencing projects that require management of a large number of single-gene alignments for gene comparison, functional annotation, and evolutionary analyses.
Availability: The BIR user manual is available at and can be accessed through Lifeportal at Access is free but requires a user account registration using the link "Register for BIR access" from the Lifeportal homepage.
Keywords: alignment construction; genomics; ortholog prediction; phylogenetics; phylogenomics; transcriptomics.