1 Department of Obstetrics and Department of Gynaecology, Women and Children's Division, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, P.O. Box 4956 Nydalen, 0424 Oslo, Norway.
2 Franz-Volhard Clinic, HELIOS Clinic, 13125 Berlin, Germany; Experimental and Clinical Research Center, a Joint Cooperation between the Charité Medical Faculty and the Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 13125 Berlin, Germany.
3 Experimental and Clinical Research Center, a Joint Cooperation between the Charité Medical Faculty and the Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 13125 Berlin, Germany.
5 Department of Obstetrics and Department of Gynaecology, Women and Children's Division, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, P.O. Box 4956 Nydalen, 0424 Oslo, Norway; Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1078 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway.