Introduction: The clinical assessment of radicular pain associates the signs and symptoms of the painful phenotype with the underlying mechanism. The Standardized Evaluation of Pain (StEP) distinguishes between axial and radicular lumbar pain by means of a questionnaire (3 questions) and a physical exam (8 tests).
Objective: To adapt the StEP scale to Spanish.
Methodology: Selection of the scale, translation-back translation, adjustments, items and utility, pilot test, validity and reliability tests. Inclusion criteria: Any sex, over age 18, lumbar pain with or without irradiation, signing of the informed consent. Exclusion criteria: Neuropathies, polyneuropathies, myopathies, neurologic, myofascial, venous, psychiatric, cardiovascular disease, postoperative status. Sample: 21 patients.
Results: Patients were assessed twice with a one-week interval with the help of 2 evaluators. There were 21 patients, 9 females (42.9%) and 12 males (57.1%); ages 22-58 years (mean 38). Diagnoses: low back pain, 7 (33.3%); lumbosciatica, 6 (28.6%); disc herniation, 5 (23.8%); spondylolisthesis, 2 (9.5%); radiculopathy, 1 (4.8%). Evaluator 1: axial, 18 (85.7%); radicular, 3 (14.3%). Evaluator 2: axial, 14 (66.7%); radicular, 7 (33.3%). Validity results were appropriate. Internal consistency (Cornbach's alpha), 0.7. Test/ re-test time: 10-15 minutes. Inter-evaluator reliability (Kappa index), 0.5.
Conclusion: The scale showed variability in identifying radicular pain compared to what its author reported initially. However, it is considered as a useful tool to clinically identify radiculopathy.