Introduction: The heart cycle includes systole and diastole when the heart chambers are characterized by a complex motion.
Aim: The present study was designed to test whether relationships exist between three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography-derived right atrial and routine two-dimensional echocardiography-derived left ventricular volumetric and functional parameters is healthy subjects.
Method: The present study comprised 20 healthy volunteers. Complete two-dimensional echocardiography and three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography were perfomed in all cases.
Results: Left ventricular ejection fraction showed correlations with systolic and diastolic right atrial volumes and area strain characterzing atrial contraction in diastole. Right atrial volumes respective of cardiac cycle correlated only with left ventricular end-systolic diameter and volume, while similar relationships could not be confirmed with end-diastolic parameters.
Conclusions: Relationships could be demonstrated between three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography-derived right atrial and two-dimensional echocardiography-derived left ventricular volumetric and functional parameters in healthy subjects.
Keywords: bal kamra; echocardiography; echokardiográfia; function; funkció; háromdimenziós; jobb pitvar; left ventricle; right atrium; speckle-tracking; three-dimensional.