In middle-aged and "young elderly" cohorts, higher left ventricular mass (LVM) is associated with worse outcomes. The authors examined LVM and 5-year mortality among community-dwelling 85-year-old patients. A representative sample (n=526, born 1920-1921) from the Jerusalem Longitudinal Cohort Study underwent echocardiography at age 85. LVM was indexed by body surface area (LVM-BSA) or height (LVM-Ht). Patients with higher LVM were less educated and sedentary and had poorer self-rated health, functional limitations, and increased comorbidity. Five-year mortality was 21.7% (n=114). Adjusted 5-year mortality rates were increased for the two upper quintiles of LVM-BSA (hazard ratio [HR], 1.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.05-3.06) and LVM-Ht (HR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.2-3.5). A step up in mortality occurred around the third quintile corresponding with LVM-BSA 110 g/m(2) or LVM-Ht 51 g/m(2.7). Among the oldest old, elevated LVM is significantly associated with mortality.
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