Garrulax sannio (Passeriformes, Timaliidae) was the medium-sized bird, whose plumage color was similar for both sexes. The complete sequence of the mitochondrial DNA genome from G. sannio used the polymerase chain reaction method. The genome (17 840 bp in length) contained 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA (12S and 16S) genes, 22 tRNA genes and 2 control regions (D-loop). The base composition of G. sannio mitogenome A + T percentage was 52.22%. It is slightly higher than G + C 47.78% which was similar with other vertebrates. Through constructed phylogenetic tree, we could identify its taxonomic status. Therefore, mitochondrial genome was a best way to preserve genetic resources of species.
Keywords: Garrulax sannio; mitochondrial genome; phylogenetic relationship.