1 CoBTeK Cognition Behaviour Technology EA 7276, Research Center Edmond and Lily Safra, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis , Nice , France ; School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Alzheimer Center Limburg, Maastricht University Medical Center , Maastricht , Netherlands.
2 CoBTeK Cognition Behaviour Technology EA 7276, Research Center Edmond and Lily Safra, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis , Nice , France ; Rehabilitation Unit, Department of Geriatrics, CHU de Nice , Nice , France ; Centre d'Innovation et d'Usages en Santé (CIU-S), Cimiez Hospital, University Hospital of Nice , Nice , France.
3 CoBTeK Cognition Behaviour Technology EA 7276, Research Center Edmond and Lily Safra, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis , Nice , France.
4 STARS, INRIA , Sophia Antipolis , France.
5 CoBTeK Cognition Behaviour Technology EA 7276, Research Center Edmond and Lily Safra, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis , Nice , France ; Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherche, CHU de Nice , Nice , France.
6 School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Alzheimer Center Limburg, Maastricht University Medical Center , Maastricht , Netherlands.
7 CoBTeK Cognition Behaviour Technology EA 7276, Research Center Edmond and Lily Safra, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis , Nice , France ; Centre d'Innovation et d'Usages en Santé (CIU-S), Cimiez Hospital, University Hospital of Nice , Nice , France ; Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherche, CHU de Nice , Nice , France.