Linewidth narrowing of a tunable mode-locked pumped continuous-wave Ce:LiCAF laser

Opt Lett. 2015 Jul 1;40(13):3065-8. doi: 10.1364/OL.40.003065.


We report birefringent tuning using single and multiple magnesium fluoride (MgF(2)) Brewster tuning plates in a mode-locked pumped continuous-wave Ce:LiCAF laser. Depending on the thickness of the MgF(2) plates used, continuous tuning over a range of up to 13 nm from 284.5 to 297.5 nm with a full width at half-maximum linewidth of 14 pm (50 GHz) was achieved. By combining MgF(2) plates with etalons, the linewidth of the laser was narrowed down to 0.75 pm (2.7 GHz). This generated narrowband output is suitable for many applications in spectroscopy, cold-atom manipulation, and sensing.