In this work, MD simulations with two different force fields, vibrational energy relaxation and resonant energy transfer experiments, and neutron scattering data are used to investigate ion pairing and clustering in a series of GdmSCN aqueous solutions. The MD simulations reproduce the major features of neutron scattering experimental data very well. Although no information about ion pairing or clustering can be obtained from the neutron scattering data, MD calculations clearly demonstrate that substantial amounts of ion pairs and small ion clusters (subnanometers to a few nanometers) do exist in the solutions of concentrations 0.5 M*, 3 M*, and 5 M* (M* denotes mole of GdmSCN per 55.55 mole of water). Vibrational relaxation experiments suggest that significant amounts of ion pairs form in the solutions. Experiments measuring the resonant energy transfers among the thiocyanate anions in the solutions suggest that the ions form clusters and in the clusters the average anion distance is 5.6 Å (5.4 Å) in the 3 M* (5 M*) Gdm-DSCN/D2O solution.