Hyperinsulinemia has been associated with cardiovascular risk, both independently and by facilitating the development of other cardiovascular risk factors. It has also been associated by different routes with increased cancer risk. Thus, this makes it a priority to identify and treat the hyperinsulinemic patient early in order to delay or prevent cardiovascular risk and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and certain types of cancer. A new strategy is needed for the treatment of hyperglycemia in these patients, whose primary objective would be to achieve weight loss, reduce insulin resistance and thereby hyperinsulinemia. That is, prescribing insulin secretors and insulin should be used with caution in these patients.
Keywords: Cancer; Cardiovascular; Cáncer; Diabetes tipo 2; Hiperinsulinemia; Hyperinsulinemia; Insulin resistance; Insulinorresistencia; Type 2 diabetes.
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