Background Sexual behaviour and HIV prevention needs of men who have sex with men (MSM) attending suburban Sex on Premises Venues (SOPVs) are understudied.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey examining sexual activity, health services utilisation, sexual health services needs and STI knowledge was conducted among MSM over 18 years old attending a SOPV in Western Sydney between June and July 2013.
Results: A total of 213 MSM were sampled; approximately half of the respondents (51%) reported that they only had sex with other men, and 46% had sex with both men and women. Condom use varied considerably, with ~50% of responders not using condoms consistently during anal sex. Consistent condom usage was not associated with having regular, casual or a mix of regular and casual partners during anal sex (P=0.09). The majority (59.5%) obtained sexual health screening services from general practitioners; only 15.0% sought services from a local sexual health clinic. Over half of respondents (57.7%) believed that SOPVs should offer on-site and free testing services. Those with the highest level of previous STI diagnoses were gay men (41%), those who only had casual partners (38%) and those who did not complete high school (65%).
Conclusions: Sexual health services and non-government organisations should consider targeting bisexual men with rapid HIV testing and condom usage campaigns. Low cost or free on-site HIV and STI testing at SOPVs and stronger partnerships between general practitioners and sexual health services are needed.