High-power, micro-integrated diode laser modules at 767 and 780 nm for portable quantum gas experiments

Appl Opt. 2015 Jun 10;54(17):5332-8. doi: 10.1364/AO.54.005332.


We present micro-integrated diode laser modules operating at wavelengths of 767 and 780 nm for cold quantum gas experiments on potassium and rubidium. The master-oscillator-power-amplifier concept provides both narrow linewidth emission and high optical output power. With a linewidth (10 μs) below 1 MHz and an output power of up to 3 W, these modules are specifically suited for quantum optics experiments and feature the robustness required for operation at a drop tower or on-board a sounding rocket. This technology development hence paves the way toward precision quantum optics experiments in space.