Hypothesis: A new simplified procedure for encapsulation of antibacterial silver nanoparticles by Solid-state Ion Exchange (SSIE) procedure over zeolite Y, followed by deposition of sulfadiazine (SD) by dry mixing was examined for the preparation of topical antibacterial formulations. The ion-exchange and adsorptive properties of the zeolite matrix were utilized for the bactericidal Ag deposition and loading of antibiotic sulfadiazine.
Experiments: Assessment of the encapsulation efficiency of both active components loaded by solid and liquid deposition methods was made by X-ray diffraction, TEM, FT-IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). SD release kinetics was also determined.
Findings: Sustained delivery of sulfadiazine has been observed from the Ag-modified zeolites compared to the parent HY material. It was found that if SD was loaded in solution, part of the zeolite silver ions was released and interacted with SD, forming AgSD. By solid-state SD deposition, the reaction between the drug and the silver was restricted within the limits of inter-atomic interaction, and total but prolonged drug release occurred.
Keywords: Drug release; Solid state Ag ion-exchange; Sulfadiazine encapsulation; Zeolite Y carrier.
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