Purpose. To report pilot data from a novel image analysis software "RetiView," to highlight clinically relevant information in RetCam images of infants with aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity (APROP). Methods. Twenty-three imaging sessions of consecutive infants of Asian Indian origin with clinically diagnosed APROP underwent three protocols (Grey Enhanced (GE), Color Enhanced (CE), and "Vesselness Measure" (VNM)) of the software. The postprocessed images were compared to baseline data from the archived unprocessed images and clinical exam by the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) specialist for anterior extent of the vessels, capillary nonperfusion zones (CNP), loops, hemorrhages, and flat neovascularization. Results. There was better visualization of tortuous loops in the GE protocol (56.5%); "bald" zones within the CNP zones (26.1%), hemorrhages (13%), and edge of the disease (34.8%) in the CE images; neovascularization on both GE and CE protocols (13% each); clinically relevant information in cases with poor pupillary dilatation (8.7%); anterior extent of vessels on the VNM protocol (13%) effecting a "reclassification" from zone 1 to zone 2 posterior. Conclusions. RetiView is a noninvasive and inexpensive method of customized image enhancement to detect clinically difficult characteristics in a subset of APROP images with a potential to influence treatment planning.