Objective: To document the pattern of retinoblastoma in children in Zimbabwe for the period 2000-2009.
Design: Retrospective study.
Methods: Analysis of data from the Zimbabwe National Cancer registry and records of patients admitted to the Paediatric Oncology unit. Data collected from cancer registry were basis of diagnosis, age and gender. Data from the patients medical records included clinical presentation, time to diagnosis and treatment.
Settings: The Zimbabwe National Cancer Registry and Paediatric Oncology Unit at Parirenyatwa Tertiary Hospital.
Results: 196 patients with retinoblastoma were registered at the cancer registry over the study period. The diagnosis was confirmed histologically on 89% of the cases and in 7% the diagnosis was based on clinical grounds. The age ranged from less than one month to 7 years with median age of 24 months. Males were 111 (56%) with male:female ratio of 1.3:1. Forty three patients (84%) had unilateral and 8 (16%) bilateral disease. Medical records were retrieved from only 54 /196 cases (27.5%). The commonest clinical presentation was proptosis 35/54 (65%). Leucocoria was present in 14/54 (26%). Time interval between first symptoms and diagnosis ranged from less than one month to 24 months with mean duration of 7.7 months (SD = 6.9). Enucleation was performed on 33/ 54 (61%), exenteration on 20/54 (37%) chemotherapy was given to 34/54 (63%) and only 6/54 (11%) received radiotherapy.
Conclusion: Retinoblastoma is the third commonest registered malignancy of childhood in Zimbabwe, characaterised by late presentation and poor access to therapy.