Members of Cdc14 phosphatases are common in animals and fungi, but absent in plants. Although its orthologs are conserved in plant pathogenic fungi, their functions during infection are not clear. In this study, we showed that the CDC14 ortholog is important for pathogenesis and morphogenesis in Fusarium graminearum. FgCDC14 is required for normal cell division and septum formation and FgCdc14 possesses phosphatase activity with specificity for a subset of Cdk-type phosphorylation sites. The Fgcdc14 mutant was reduced in growth, conidiation, and ascospore formation. It was defective in ascosporogenesis and pathogenesis. Septation in Fgcdc14 was reduced and hyphal compartments contained multiple nuclei, indicating defects in the coordination between nuclear division and cytokinesis. Interestingly, foot cells of mutant conidia often differentiated into conidiogenous cells, resulting in the production of inter-connected conidia. In the interphase, FgCdc14-GFP localized to the nucleus and spindle-pole-body. Taken together, our results indicate that Cdc14 phosphatase functions in cell division and septum formation in F. graminearum, likely by counteracting Cdk phosphorylation, and is required for plant infection.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.