The present communication deals with the effects of Copper-T200 Sq mm intrauterine device on the endometrial glands in the women using it for a longer duration i.e. up 8 years. The ultrastructural changes in the lining endometrial glands were studied during both non-ovulatory and ovulatory phases of the menstrual cycle. The ultrastructural studies demonstrated significant progressive changes in the lining endothelial cells of endometrial glands. The findings showed marked accumulation of glycogen in the cells in secretory phase of the endometrial cycle. Ultrastructural changes in glandular lining cells were more pronounced in women using Cu-IUCD for 4-8 years having distorted morphology with disrupted cell organelles, swollen mitochondria, irregular pattern of microvilli, deposition of electron dense material on cell surface and narrowing of glandular lumen.