Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess health-related quality of life (HRQOL) using the Coeliac Disease Dutch Questionnaire (CDDUX) in Spanish children with coeliac disease.
Methods: The CDDUX was cross-culturally adapted according to international consensus guidelines. HRQOL was assessed in coeliac members of the Madrid Coeliac Association ages 8 to 18 years using the adapted CDDUX. Cronbach α coefficient was determined as a measure of intraquestionnaire reliability and intraclass correlation coefficients as a measure of reliability between scores awarded by children and parents. Demographic and clinical variables associated with HRQOL were also assessed.
Results: A total of 1602 children of 3122 registered Madrid Coeliac Association members ages 8 to 18 years were invited to participate. The questionnaire was completed by 480 families (30%): 214 only by parents, 214 by parents and their children, and 52 only by children. Cronbach α coefficient for the total score for parents was 0.90, and for children 0.88 (0.75-0.90 by scales). Mean total (standard deviation [SD]) HRQOL scores in children and parents were 55.5 (SD 12.7) and 53.89 (SD 12.19), respectively, with no differences detected in paired comparisons between the 2 groups. Significantly worse HRQOL scores were recorded in children showing a nonclassical clinical presentation, in those not adhering to treatment and in those reporting difficulties in following the diet.
Conclusions: The CDDUX questionnaire emerged as reliable for use in Spanish children with celiac disease. Overall, both children and parents felt the disease had no substantial negative impacts on patient HRQOL.