In the designed synthesis, low crystal-mismatch strategy has been applied in the synthesis of ion-doped LiCoO2 materials, and a good success of single crystal property has been achieved between the precursor and the final sample for the first time. The hexagonal LiCo0.8Al0.26O2 (LCAO) nanomesh possesses several advantages in morphology and crystal structure, including mesoporous structure, single crystal, atomic even distribution, high exposing surface area as (100) or their equivalent planes, and shortened Li ions diffusion distance. All the merits are beneficial to the application in Li-ion batteries (LIBs) cathode, for example, accelerating Li ions diffusion rate, improving the Li ions shuttle between the LCAO nanomesh and electrolyte, and reducing the Li ions capacitive behavior during Li intercalation. Hence, our research adopts Al-contained precursor with morphology of hexagonal nanoplates to fabricate designed Al-doped LiCoO2 nanomeshes and greatly improves the cathode performance in LIBs.
Keywords: Al-doping; crystal-mismatch; hexagonal; lithium ion battery; nanomesh.