Background: Peptide-spectrum matching is a common step in most data processing workflows for mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Many algorithms and software packages, both free and commercial, have been developed to address this task. However, these algorithms typically require the user to select instrument- and sample-dependent parameters, such as mass measurement error tolerances and number of missed enzymatic cleavages. In order to select the best algorithm and parameter set for a particular dataset, in-depth knowledge about the data as well as the algorithms themselves is needed. Most researchers therefore tend to use default parameters, which are not necessarily optimal.
Results: We have applied a new optimization framework for the Taverna scientific workflow management system ( to find the best combination of parameters for a given scientific workflow to perform peptide-spectrum matching. The optimizations themselves are non-trivial, as demonstrated by several phenomena that can be observed when allowing for larger mass measurement errors in sequence database searches. On-the-fly parameter optimization embedded in scientific workflow management systems enables experts and non-experts alike to extract the maximum amount of information from the data. The same workflows could be used for exploring the parameter space and compare algorithms, not only for peptide-spectrum matching, but also for other tasks, such as retention time prediction.
Conclusion: Using the optimization framework, we were able to learn about how the data was acquired as well as the explored algorithms. We observed a phenomenon identifying many ammonia-loss b-ion spectra as peptides with N-terminal pyroglutamate and a large precursor mass measurement error. These insights could only be gained with the extension of the common range for the mass measurement error tolerance parameters explored by the optimization framework.