To determine the biochemical disorders in the blood coagulation mechanism associated with oxidative stress parameters of the antioxidant status were examined in platelets of 57 colorectal cancer patients, (including 21 patients before and after surgery), and 40 healthy individuals. We determined the total content of nitric oxide (NOx), levels of superoxide dismutase (Cu/ZnSOD), glutathione and malondialdehyde (MDA). Before treatment, we observed the changes in the antioxidant defense system of platelets, which did not depend on the prevalence of malignancy: elevated levels of SOD by 16% (p<0.05), reduced glutathione and MDA in 5.2 and 1.7 times, respectively. NOx levels did not differ from the norm. Significant shifts were found in the postoperative period: they consisted of the increase in the generation of NOx both on the third, and on the 10-th day after surgery. These changes reflect apparently platelet response to the inflammatory process associated with the surgical trauma and confirm the role of NOx as a mediator of inflammation. The content of SOD after surgery was significantly reduced, but return to a baseline on the 10-th day. Despite the significant increase in the number of platelets, no correlations of the studied parameters and their aggregation ability were found.The findings suggest that metabolic disorders in vascular-platelet hemostasis are associated with oxidative stress, which provides a basis for further study of the relationship of cancer to thrombosis.
S tsel'iu opredeleniia narusheniĭ v biokhimicheskikh mekhanizmakh svertyvaniia krovi, sviazannykh s okislitel'nym stressom, byli issledovany pokazateli antioksidantnogo statusa v trombotsitakh 57 bol'nykh kolorektal'nym rakom (u 21 iz nikh – do i posle radikal'noĭ operatsii), a takzhe u 40 prakticheski zdorovykh lits. Opredeliali summarnoe soderzhanie metabolitov oksida azota (NOx), urovni superoksiddismutazy (Cu/Zn SOD), glutationa i malonovogo dial'degida (MDA). Do lecheniia obnaruzheny izmeneniia v sisteme antioksidantnoĭ zashchity trombotsitov, ne zavisiashchie ot rasprostranennosti zlokachestvennogo protsessa: povyshenie soderzhaniia SOD na 16% (r<0,05), snizhenie urovnia glutationa i MDA v 5,2 i 1,7 raza, sootvetstvenno. Uroven' NOx ne otlichalsia ot normy. V posleoperatsionnom periode byli obnaruzheny sushchestvennye sdvigi, kotorye zakliuchalis' v dostovernom uvelichenii generatsii NOx kak na 3-ĭ, tak i na 10-ĭ den' posle operatsii (mediana sostavila 9,3 pri norme 7,0 mkmol'/mg belka trombotsitov). Éti izmeneniia otrazhaiut, po-vidimomu, reaktsiiu trombotsitov na vospalitel'nyĭ protsess, sviazannyĭ s operatsionnoĭ travmoĭ, i podtverzhdaiut svoĭstvo NOx kak mediatora vospaleniia. Soderzhanie SOD posle operatsii bylo neznachitel'no snizheno i k 10-mu dniu otmechalos' povyshenie ego urovnia do iskhodnogo. Nesmotria na dostovernoe povyshenie chisla trombotsitov, korreliatsionnykh sviazeĭ izuchaemykh pokazateleĭ i ikh agregatsionnoĭ sposobnost'iu ne obnaruzheno. Poluchennye dannye svidetel'stvuiut o metabolicheskikh rasstroĭstvakh v sosudisto- trombotsitarnom zvene gemostaza, sviazannykh s okislitel'nom stressom, chto daet osnovanie dlia dal'neĭshego izucheniia vzaimosviazi onkologicheskogo zabolevaniia s tromboobrazovaniem.
Keywords: colorectal cancer; glutathione; nitric oxide; platelets; superoxide dismutase.