Introduction: Enteric duplication (ED) cysts are rare. The commonness of ultrasonographic investigation contributes to an earlier diagnosis of such a pathology before the onset of the first clinical symptoms. A planned mini-invasive surgical treatment during the infancy is proposed. This study presents the possibility and safety of elective laparoscopic or laparoscopy-assisted mini-invasive resection of ileal (IL) and ileocecal (IC) duplications, thus avoiding bowel resection.
Materials and methods: A retrospective review was conducted of medical records of 6 patients at the age from 3 to 22 months with the diagnosis of ED, treated in the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland, within the period from January 2012 to September 2014.
Results: Excision of cysts without bowel resection was performed in five children with IC and IL duplications. Laparoscopic excision was performed in two children with IC duplication; in the other three children (1 IC and 2 IL duplication), laparoscopy confirmed the diagnosis with consecutive cyst excision without bowel resection after external evacuation of the cyst. The external resection of the cecum and Bauhin's valve was necessary in 1 patient with large IC duplication and malrotation. The postoperative course was satisfactory in all the cases.
Conclusions: The laparoscopic approach allows for confirming the diagnosis and accurately defining the exact site of duplication, as well as for effective and safe mini-invasive treatment. Laparoscopic or laparoscopy-assisted excision of ED without bowel resection is a safe option in a significant number of IL and IC duplications.