According to the histological exams executed from January 1975 to June 1988, the authors assessed the frequency in the years, in the sex and in the decades and of the pathology surgery executed. For simplicity of graphic representation, the authors subdivided the pathologies in nine groups: phlogistic trial, cysts, epulis, leukoplakia and precancerous lesion, epithelial tumor, connectival tumor, vascular tumor and osseous tumor. With the voice "other" we consider some neoplasies which are not numerous and which are not differently classificable. According to the present statistics numerous operations are excluded like dysodontiasis, dental embedding, fractures, supernumerary teeth and so on. The authors ascertained on elevated frequency of cysts and of osteitis of maxillary bone caused by an inadequate and late treatment of the cavity. During the passing of the years the incidence of phlogistic trial is particularly reduced while the cysts presented a notable increase. Comparison of leukoplakia was exceptional while among the tumors predominate the epithelial tumors one. According to the presented information the Authors come to an end hoping a more preventive sensibility of people and dentistries.