The authors report the case of a 26 year-old woman hospitalized because of epigastric pain with onset a few years previously, occurring primarily after a heavy meal, and the recent discovery of a para-umbilical abdominal murmur with irradiation to the right iliac artery. The digital aortic angiography showed the absence of opacification of the coeliac trunk (CT) at its origin due to a very tight stenosis and a 50% narrowing of the proximal part of the superior mesenteric artery (SM). The abdominal ultrasonogram with pulsed Doppler clearly showed the very tight stenosis of the ostium of the CT and the stenosis of the S.M. Surgery confirmed the extrinsic compression of the two vessels by an aberrant fibromuscular bundle resembling an arcuate ligament. Section of this bundle completely freed the vessels. The course was favorable: the pain and murmur disappeared and there was no imprint on either vessel on the control angiography. In the discussion, the authors review the numerous atypical anatomical abnormalities which have been incriminated in the genesis of these compressions and analyze the resulting clinical syndrome. The contribution of the pulsed Doppler coupled with ultrasonography is discussed. Treatment is always surgical. This case provides an opportunity to review this exceptional entity represented by the double coeliac-mesenteric compression by the arcuate ligament. This is the first time a patient was examined by pulsed Doppler, which allows for rapid noninvasive and detailed work-up of the affection, entirely in agreement with the data obtained from the other examinations and the operative observations.