Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is an inflammatory disease that affects 2% to 16% of the US population. Despite its increasing prevalence, there are currently limited data in the literature evaluating the economic burden of this disease.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the direct health care costs of CRS from the perspective of the US government.
Methods: A prevalence-based approach was used to estimate cost of illness for CRS from the 2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey database by using a 4-part model: (1) an estimated sum of all health care expenditures, (2) an attribution model for disease-specific estimation of expenditures, (3) an estimation based on a propensity score model, and (4) estimated disease-specific expenditure by using a linear regression-based approach. A disease prevalence of 3.5% was used.
Results: The mean CRS-specific annual expenditure was $5955 (95% CI, $5087-$6823) by using method 1 compared with $5560 (95% CI, $4689-$6431) by using method 2 and $5560 (95% CI, $4653-$6467) by using method 3. The annual expenditure, as estimated by using method 4, was $5589 (95% CI, $4986-$6192). Ambulatory expenses accounted for the largest proportion of expenditures, followed by prescription and in-hospital expenses.
Conclusions: This study provided a range of estimates of the direct medical expenditures associated with CRS. We demonstrated that the economic burden attributable to this disease was an estimated $60.2 to $64.5 billion US dollars in 2011, with a wide variation in the total and incremental direct expenditures depending on the type of estimation model used and the prevalence assumed.
Keywords: Chronic rhinosinusitis; Medical Expenditure Panel Survey; cost; direct medical expenditures; rhinosinusitis treatment.
Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.