Epilepsy is a group of chronic diseases characterized by recurrent and transient brain dysfunction induced by abrupt and intermittent abnormal discharge of neurons in the brain, which is difficult to be cured. Thee auricular concha are is he zone of visera in TCM auricular points, but also the innervating area of the auricular brach of the vagus nerve. Auricular acupuncture, as a special treatment, has superior therapeutic effect for epilepsy. In recent years, remarkable progress has been made in the theoretical basis and clinic application of auricular acupuncture for epilepsy, and the ear-vagus percutaneous electrical stimulation apparatus (auricular acupuncture apparatus) is developed for clinical trial researches. From the basic study to clinical research of auricular acupuncture for epilepsy, the epilepsy pathogenesis as well as the intervention pathway and clinical efficacy of auricular: experimental support and rich clinical experience for auricular acupuncture apparatus.