The aim of the study was to report on the prevalence and severity of laryngopharyngeal symptoms in patients with COPD compared to controls. A total of 27 patients with COPD and 13 controls matched according to age and gender were included. Demographic data included age, gender, history of smoking and history of allergic rhinitis. The Reflux symptom Index described by Belafsky et al. was used. The frequency and average score of each of the laryngopharyngeal symptoms were computed. The mean age of patients was 61.67 ± 11.09 years. Ninety-two percent were smokers and 11.1 % had allergy rhinitis. The mean of Total Reflux Symptom index in patients was significantly higher compared to controls (12.70 ± 7.06 vs. 3.00 ± 2.94). In the COPD group, 18 subjects had a positive Reflux symptom index (>11) compared to one in the control group (p value <0.05). There was also a significant difference between the means of six laryngopharyngeal symptoms in patients vs.
Controls: COPD patients had higher degree of hoarseness, throat clearing, excessive throat mucus, cough and sticking sensation in the throat. Laryngopharyngeal reflux is more prevalent in patients vs.
Controls: The frequency and severity of laryngopharyngeal symptoms is significantly higher in COPD patients.
Keywords: COPD; Hoarseness; Larynx; RSI; Reflux.