The optical and electrical properties of mesogenic metal-free and metalated phthalocyanines (PCs) with a moderately sized and regioregular alkyl periphery were investigated. In solution, the individualized molecules show fluorescence lifetimes of 4-6 ns in THF. When deposited as solid thin films the materials exhibit significantly shorter fluorescence lifetimes with bi-exponential decay (1.4-1.8 ns; 0.2-0.4 ns) that testify to the formation of aggregates viaπ-π intermolecular interactions. In diode structures, their pronounced columnar order outbalances the unfavorable planar alignment and leads to excellent rectification behavior. Field-dependent charge carrier mobilities are obtained from the J-V curves in the trap-limited space-charge-limited current regime and demonstrate that the metalated PCs display an improved electrical response with respect to the metal-free homologue. The excited-state lifetime characterization suggest that the π-π intermolecular interactions are stronger for the metal-free PC, confirming that the metallic centre plays an important role in the charge transport inside these materials.