Cytotoxin assay and culture for Clostridium difficile were performed on 303 diarrhoeic stools from 261 hospitalized patients. Specimens from 42 patients were positive by at least one of the methods, and 40 of them had an antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. The cytotoxin assay was positive in 5 of 7 patients with pseudomembranous colitis. Thirteen had an appropriate response to specific therapy and the remainder have resolved of diarrhoea without C. difficile directed chemotherapy. These findings show the lack of reliability of the cytotoxin assay for the diagnosis of C. difficile antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. The 6 strains isolated from patients with pseudomembranous colitis were examined for enterotoxin by the rabbit ileal loop test: 4 produced both toxins, 2 only enterotoxin. Both toxins could therefore not be essential for the clinical expression of the disease.