In the present work, the potential for the enhancement of the adaptive capacity of microbe-plant systems (MPSs) through the integration of the symbiosis partners' genomes is considered on the example of different types of symbiotic relationships. The accumulated data on the genetic control of interactions for both the plant and microbe, which are discussed in the paper with respect to signaling genes, suggest that it is the complementarity of genetic determinants that underlies the successful formation of MPSs. A eukaryotic genome with limited information content, which is stable throughout a generation, is complemented by a virtually unlimited prokaryotic metagenome. The microsymbiont's ability to adapt to different living conditions is based on the restructuring of the accessory genome by different mechanisms, which are likely to be activated under the influence of plants, although the details of such a regulation remain unknown. Features of the genetic control of the interaction, particularly its universal character for different symbionts, allow us to formulate a principle of genome-complementarity with respect to interacting organisms and consider it an important factor, an adaptation that enhances the abilities of M PSs for their sustainable development in natural ecosystems and for high plant productivity in agrocenoses.