Dynamic Inversion of Stereoselective Phosphate Binding to a Bisurea Receptor Controlled by Light and Heat

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2016 Jan 18;55(3):1001-4. doi: 10.1002/anie.201509479. Epub 2015 Dec 4.


A chiral bisurea anion receptor, derived from a first-generation molecular motor, can undergo photochemical and thermal isomerization operating as a reconfigurable system. The two possible cis configurations in the isomerization cycle are opposite in helicity, as is shown by CD spectroscopy. (1)H NMR titrations demonstrate that the P and M helical cis isomers hold opposite enantioselectivity in the binding of binol phosphate, while anion complexation by the intermediate trans isomer is not selective. The difference in the binding affinity of the enantiomers was rationalized by DFT calculations, revealing very distinct binding modes. Thus, the enantiopreferred substrate binding in this receptor can be inverted in a dynamic fashion using light and heat.

Keywords: anions; chiral recognition; chirality inversion; molecular switches; photochromism.

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