Background: Many women in developed countries do not meet their breastfeeding goals and wean early because of breast pain.
Objective: This study aimed to describe clinical response to therapeutic breast massage in lactation (TBML) in the management of engorgement, plugged ducts, and mastitis.
Methods: Breastfeeding women presenting with engorgement, plugged ducts, or mastitis who received TBML as part of their treatment were enrolled (n = 42). Data collected at the initial visit included demographic, history, and exam data pre-TBML and post-TBML. Email surveys sent 2 days, 2 weeks, and 12 weeks following the initial visit assessed pain and breastfeeding complications. A nested case control of engorged mothers (n = 73) was separately enrolled to compare engorgement severity.
Results: Reasons for the visit included engorgement (36%), plugged ducts (67%), and mastitis (29%). Cases, compared to controls, were significantly more likely to have severe engorgement (47% vs 7%, P < .001). Initial mean breast pain level among those receiving TBML was 6.4 out of 10. Following TBML, there was significant improvement in both breast (6.4 vs 2.8, P < .001) and nipple pain (4.6 vs 2.8, P = .013). All women reported immediate improvement in their pain level. At the 12-week survey, 65% found the massage treatment very helpful. The majority of the women with a new episode of mastitis or plugged duct during the study follow-up found the techniques learned during the office visit very helpful for home management of these episodes.
Conclusion: In office, TBML is helpful for the reduction of acute breast pain associated with milk stasis. Mothers find TBML helpful both immediately in-office and for home management of future episodes.
Keywords: blocked ducts; breast engorgement; breast pain; breastfeeding; breastfeeding experience; breastfeeding practices; breastfeeding support; expression; mastitis.
© The Author(s) 2015.