Aim: The aim of this paper is to draw the attention of the clinicians on placenta percreta detected along with uterine anomalies in early second trimester.
Case presentation: A 35-year-old, gravida 2 parity 1 woman at 18 weeks of pregnancy was admitted to our emergency unit with abdominal pain. In ultrasound exam, a live fetus compatible with 18 weeks of gestation, hemoperitoneum and a solid mass adjacent to the uterus were detected. An emergent laparotomy was decided because of hemorrhagic shock findings. In the operation, uterine didelphys and an active bleeding area from placenta percreta on the anterior wall of the uterus where pregnancy was settled were detected. In the simultaneous vaginal examination two cervixes and a longitudinal vaginal septum were seen. Supracervical hemihysterectomy was performed.
Conclusion: Placenta percreta is a rare clinical entity with an elevated perinatal mortality. Uterine anomalies are risk factors for placental adhesion anomalies. Clinical suspicion is vital for early diagnosis and timely management.
Keywords: Placenta percreta; uterine didelphys; uterine rupture.