Molecular cloning from DNA fragments of improved RAPD amplification of Angelica sinensis, Angelica acutiloba and Levisticum officinale, provided novel sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers A13, A23, A1-34 and A1-0 whose sequences were deposited in the GenBank database with the accession numbers KP641315, KP641316, KP641317 and KP641318, respectively. By optional PCR amplification, the SCAR markers A13 and A23 are Levisticum officinale-specific, whereas the SCAR marker A1-34 is Angelica acutiloba-specific, and the SCAR marker A1-0 is Angelica sinensis-specific. These diagnostic SCAR markers may be useful for genetic authentications, for ecological conservation of all three medicinal plants and as a helpful tool for the genetic authentication of adulterant samples.