Main internal dose forming factors for inhabitants of contaminated regions at current phase of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident (Kyiv region as an example)

Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2015 Dec:20:147-56.
[Article in English, Ukrainian]


Objective of this work is revealing of main dose forming factors of internal doses for inhabitants of contaminated regions of Kyiv region relying on the results of integral dosimetric monitoring.

Materials and methods: Three villages have been chosen for the investigation. They are: Raghivka, Zelena Poliana (Poliske district), Karpylivka (Ivankiv district). Twice a year, in May and in October those villages' residents were inspected for content of incorporated 137Cs. They were measured by direct method at the place of residence with the help of whole body counters (WBC). The principal food samples were collected for detection of 90Sr and 137Сs content. Those villages' inhabitants were interviewed about food consumption levels. Mathematical, dosimetric and radio chemical methods were used in this workResults and conclusions. The estimation of internal doses due to intake of 137Cs by ingestion of milk and potatoes are in the range 0.3-34% of doses estimated on the base of WBC data. The contribution to the dose of internal expo sure from intake of 137Cs with the milk consumption is no more than two times higher than the contribution of pota toes consumption in the case of equal consumption levels of these products. Contributions to the dose of internal exposure from intake of 90Sr with milk and potatoes consumptions are approximately similar. Consumption of mush rooms and other wild nature products by inhabitants from the inspected settlements is the main forming factor of internal dose due to 137Cs intake.

Metoiu doslidzhennia ie vyznachennia osnovnykh chynnykiv formuvannia dozy vnutrishn'ogo oprominennia u meshkantsiv radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriy KyIvs'koI oblasti za rezul'tatamy provedennia kompleksnogo dozymetrych nogo monitoryngu.Materialy i metody. Dlia doslidzhen' bulo obrano 3 naselenykh punkty (NP) – s. Ragivka, s. Zelena Poliana Polis'kogo rayonu ta s. Karpylivka Ivankivs'kogo rayonu. Dvichi na rik, u travni ta zhovtni, u meshkantsiv tsykh NP bulo provedeno vyznachennia vmistu inkorporovanogo 137Cs shliakhom priamogo vymiriuvannia na lichyl'nykakh vyp rominiuvannia liudyny (LVL) bezposeredn'o za mistsem prozhyvannia, zibrano osnovni produkty kharchuvannia dlia vyznachennia vmistu v nykh radionuklidiv 90Sr ta 137Ss, i provedeno opytuvannia meshkantsiv tsykh sil shchodo rivniv spo zhyvannia tsykh produktiv. V roboti vykorystano matematychni, dozymetrychni, radiokhimichni metody.Rezul'taty ta vysnovky. Otsinky dozy vnutrishn'ogo oprominennia vid nadkhodzhennia 137Cs z molokom ta kartopleiu skladaiut' vid 0,3 do 34 % vid dozy za danymy LVL. Vnesok u dozu vnutrishn'ogo oprominennia vid 137Cs za rakhunok spozhyvannia moloka ne bil'sh, nizh v 2 razy, perevyshchuie vnesok za rakhunok spozhyvannia kartopli pry odnakovykh rivniakh spozhyvannia tsykh produktiv. Vnesok u dozu vnutrishn'ogo oprominennia vid 90Sr za rakhunok spozhyvannia mo loka ta kartopli pryblyzno odnakovyy. Spozhyvannia grybiv ta inshykh mistsevykh produktiv dykoI pryrody meshkan tsiamy obstezhuvanykh naselenykh punktiv ie odnym z osnovnykh chynnykiv formuvannia dozy vnutrishn'ogo oprominen nia, obumovlenoI nadkhodzhenniam 137Cs.

Keywords: ingestion intake of 90Sr and 137Сs; integrated radiological monitoring; internal exposure; whole body counter (WBC).