Small cell carcinoma of the prostate (SCCP) is rare, and no standard treatment regimen has yet been established. The overall prognosis remains poor. We experienced a case who obtained relative long-term survival with two types of chemotherapy treatments. A 69-year-old man underwent combined androgen blockade (CAB) with a diagnosis of prostate adenocarcinoma (Gleason score = 5 + 3) that was staged T3bN1M1b (initial PSA = 352 ng/ml). Twenty-five months after hormonal therapy, the level of serum PSA had elapsed remain low, however, FDG-PET/CT revealed high value at the lymph node of para-aortic and pelvic lesion. The levels of serum NSE and Pro-GRP elevated, and a prostate re-biopsy revealed a small cell carcinoma. Therefore, he was treated with 12-cycles of combination chemotherapy consisting of etoposide and carboplatin. Then, disease has progressed, so he was changed to second line chemotherapy with amrubicin. He underwent 12-cycles chemotherapy with amrubicin, but he died of cancer 39 months after the initial treatment of SCCP.