Background: There isn't a validated questionnaire in Italian language to evaluate the quality perceived by the patient in Digestive Endoscopy.
Objective: validation of the translation of a questionnaire from English to Italian language to measure the level of patient satisfaction.
Materials and methods: we conducted a prospective study on validation in Italian of a short questionnaire adapted for Endoscopy by the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the GHAA-9m. It's been tested with the technique of the questionnaire/interview on 80 outpatients who underwent in the month of September 2014 to endoscopic examinations of the gastrointestinal tract. The patients were divided into 2 groups of 40 patients: group 1 was administered before the questionnaire and subsequently the interview was conducted, on the contrary on the group 2 was administered before the interview and subsequently the questionnaire. The results of the two groups were compared using the inter-rater agreement. It was also evaluated the internal consistency of the questions.
Results: The results show that the instrument is experienced as simple and quick to use for patients. Data analysis allowed us to conclude that the Italian translation is valid and consistent. In the phase of the interview there were some aspects that suggest, in a development of this tool, some changes that could increase the accuracy and informational content.
Conclusions: The Italian version of the questionnaire GHAA-9m has good validity, reliability, and shows property valuation comparable to those of the American version and can therefore be used in daily practice Digestive Endoscopy.