Introduction: Tracheal rhinoscleroma is an infectious granulomatosis of the tracheobronchial tract caused by a Gram-negative bacillus. Exclusively tracheal involvement has been rarely reported in the literature. The purpose of this study was to report a case of subglottic stenosis secondary to rhinoscleroma.
Summary: A 46-year-old North African woman with no medical or surgical history presented with inspiratory dyspnoea that had been present for several years. Endoscopic examination under general anaesthesia revealed tracheal stenosis. Histological examination of mucosal biopsies demonstrated Mikulicz cells and culture of bacteriological samples taken during a second biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of rhinoscleroma. CO2 laser subglottic obstruction relief was performed and treatment with ofloxacin was initiated. No recurrence of tracheal stenosis was observed with a follow-up of 6 months.
Discussion: The diagnosis of rhinoscleroma is based on histological and bacteriological examination. Cultures are positive in 60% of cases, but negative cultures do not exclude the diagnosis of rhinoscleroma. Specific treatment consists of long-term antibiotic therapy, while surgery may be indicated for symptomatic treatment.
Keywords: Dyspnoea; Rhinoscleroma; Tracheal stenosis.
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