1 Secretary, ICMJE, Executive Deputy Editor, Annals of Internal Medicine (Taichman); Representative and Associate Director for Library Operations, National Library of Medicine (Backus); Chief Scientific Editor, Deutsches Ärzteblatt (German Medical Journal) (Baethge); Editor-in-Chief, JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) and the JAMA Network (Bauchner); Editor-in-Chief, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde (The Dutch Medical Journal) (de Leeuw); Editor-in-Chief, New England Journal of Medicine (Drazen); Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Medical Association Journal (Fletcher); Editor-in-Chief, New Zealand Medical Journal (Frizelle); Head of Research, British Medical Journal (Groves); Editor-in-Chief, Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences (Haileamlak); Deputy Editor, The Lancet (James); Editor-in-Chief, Annals of Internal Medicine (Laine); Chief Editor, PLOS Medicine (Peiperl); Scientific Editor-in-Chief, Ugeskrift for Laeger (Danish Medical Journal) (Pinborg); Representative and Past President, World Association of Medical Editors (Sahni); Representative, Chinese Medical Journal (Wu) [email protected].
2 Secretary, ICMJE, Executive Deputy Editor, Annals of Internal Medicine (Taichman); Representative and Associate Director for Library Operations, National Library of Medicine (Backus); Chief Scientific Editor, Deutsches Ärzteblatt (German Medical Journal) (Baethge); Editor-in-Chief, JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) and the JAMA Network (Bauchner); Editor-in-Chief, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde (The Dutch Medical Journal) (de Leeuw); Editor-in-Chief, New England Journal of Medicine (Drazen); Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Medical Association Journal (Fletcher); Editor-in-Chief, New Zealand Medical Journal (Frizelle); Head of Research, British Medical Journal (Groves); Editor-in-Chief, Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences (Haileamlak); Deputy Editor, The Lancet (James); Editor-in-Chief, Annals of Internal Medicine (Laine); Chief Editor, PLOS Medicine (Peiperl); Scientific Editor-in-Chief, Ugeskrift for Laeger (Danish Medical Journal) (Pinborg); Representative and Past President, World Association of Medical Editors (Sahni); Representative, Chinese Medical Journal (Wu).