A 58-year-old woman presented to our hospital with a huge hepatic mass. A CT scan showed an enhanced mass lesion on the fundus of the gallbladder and an enhanced mass ring on the gallbladder bed. Since FDG-PET showed no evidence of metastasis, we performed cholecystectomy, hepatectomy of S4a/5, and regional lymph node dissection. The immunohistochemical study of the specimen was positive for CK7, CK20, chromogranin A, and synaptophysin. The Ki-67 labeling index was 50%, and the SSTR2 score was 2+. The patient was diagnosed with neuroendocrine carcinoma. Since she was in poor condition and on hemodialysis, we started administration of somatostatin analog at the time of recurrence, and soon her diarrhea improved but the tumor increased in size.