Innovative approaches for complex penile urethral strictures

Transl Androl Urol. 2014 Jun;3(2):179-85. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2223-4683.2014.04.04.


Urethral strictures are a common urologic disease that arises from varied etiologies. These strictures range in severity from simple, short lesions to complex, long defects. Likewise, the management approach varies based on the complexity of the lesion. We reviewed the literature of urethral stricture disease and its management. In particular we have focused on complex strictures of the male penile urethra. Often these cases cannot be managed with traditional reconstructive techniques and require newer approaches. Furthermore tissue engineered graft materials provide a possible tissue source for future reconstructive endeavors.

Keywords: Buccal mucosa; penile skin flap; urethra; urethral stricture.

Publication types

  • Review