A 27-year-old man with a 4-month history of treatment for miliary tuberculosis at another hospital was admitted to our hospital for continued treatment. Computed tomography showed new lesions in the S8 area of the liver and spleen, despite resolution of chest radiographic findings. Because these new lesions were still present after 8 months of treatment, we performed laparoscopic drainage of the liver abscess. Purulent material drained from the lesion revealed positive polymerase chain reaction results for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and identification of granuloma with infiltrating lymphocytes and plasma cells confirmed the diagnosis of tubercular liver abscess. Pathological changes in the spleen over the clinical course were also regarded as representing tubercular abscess. Postoperative course was good, and tuberculosis treatment ended after 12 months. Tubercular liver abscess subsequently showed prominent reduction, and the tubercular splenic abscess disappeared on abdominal ultrasonography. Tubercular hepatosplenic abscesses appearing during tubercular treatment are rare. We report this valuable case in which laparoscopic drainage of a liver abscess proved useful for diagnosis and treatment.