A prospective study was performed in 340 obstetric sonograms to evaluate the sonographic characteristics of the fetal thymus. The thymus was identified as a homogeneous structure in the anterior fetal mediastinum in 251 cases (74%). The thymus was categorized as either hyperechoic, isoechoic, or hypoechoic relative to fetal lung. Seventy one of 115 cases (62%) prior to 27 weeks gestation were hyperechoic relative to fetal lung whereas 100 of 136 cases (73%) after 27 weeks were hypoechoic relative to lung (p less than .0001). Thymic measurements and shape were also recorded. The anterior-posterior AP thickness, measured in the midline at the sternum, ranged from 2 mm at 14 weeks to 20.8 mm at term. This study demonstrates that the thymus can be imaged in most fetuses.